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Understanding Ourselves and Others
Snapshot: Highly interactive, activity focused, and conversational workshop focuses on how we tend to communicate when we are trying to influence others. Be prepared to learn about and practice communication styles and work approaches in real time.
Overview: The most successful teams consist of people with diverse communication styles who both trust one another and work well together. By understanding these Interaction (or communication) Styles, teams can take advantage of their varying working styles, perspectives, and strengths to achieve their goals and objectives.
Interaction Styles is based on observable behavior patterns developed by Dr. Linda Berens. It is a stand-alone model that maps to Personality Type and Temperament. It is a system of self discovery aimed at determining one’s core versus contextually developed communication styles and the inherent gifts within each.
The Interaction Style lens provides insights into the ways we are naturally inclined to express ourselves. Learners will identify their core and developed styles and identify the gifts and challenges inherent in both. Knowing our own styles and those of our teams allows us to flex or adapt our interactions based on the needs of the situation.
What are the Key Benefits of Understanding Interaction/Communication Styles?
- Increased individual self-confidence and self-esteem in knowing your communication strengths
- Improved communication skills and awareness around interpersonal relationships
- Gain insight to team dynamics by mapping the team composition
- Increased team trust, collaboration and knowledge sharing
- Identify individual and team blind spots and blockers
- Improved decision making by embracing a diversity of perspectives
Through this behavioral learning lens, you will understand and value multiple perspectives, understand how to effectively manage conflict when it occurs, and adapt your communication style to be better heard and understood.
In this session you will:
- Learn to identify and understand your own, as well as other people’s Interaction Styles
- Discover how to best communicate and influence others, based on their Interaction Style
- Understand Informing vs Directing language and when to use each
- Use Interaction Styles to stimulate meaningful and effective dialogue
- Hone your new skills as you practice using new communication techniques
- Discuss and adopt “best practices” for communicating in different contexts
- Work on activities in pairs, triads, and small groups
increase effectiveness and decrease misunderstanding
Objective: This workshop aims to enhance participants' communication skills in the workplace, so that they can effectively convey their ideas, thoughts, and messages, and build better relationships with their colleagues and clients.
Have you ever thought you communicated clearly only to discover the message was not received the way it was intended? You are not alone - misunderstandings happen. However, there are certain steps you can take to increase the effectiveness of your communication.
Communication skills are essential in any workplace for building relationships, achieving goals, and ensuring a productive and positive work environment. These skills involve the ability to convey messages clearly and effectively, both verbally and non-verbally, and to listen actively to others.
During this interactive 2 hour workshop we will experience the “Communication Process” in real time and examine key communication distinctions that can make or break your message. When used correctly, these can actually improve teamwork, productivity, and overall job satisfaction. Together we will practice our communication skills and receive "on the spot" coaching to gain competence and confidence in the way we communicate with each other.
In this session you will:
- Unpack the communication process and discover what could go wrong at each stage
- Design remedies to mitigate communication mis-steps
- Be given examples of both good and "not so good" communication strategies
- Explore key language distinctions used in communication
- Hone your new skills as you practice using new communication techniques
- Discuss and adopt “best practices” for communicating in different contexts and cultures
Understanding and leveraging our core intrinsic drives and talents for greater satisfaction and motivation.
Have you ever wondered why your own motivation ebbs and flows? Do you ever think, (but rarely say) “why does my friend/ colleague/ partner etc. seem so unmotivated or disillusioned or stressed?” Understanding what intrinsically motivates you and others is the key to finding the right role and career and it has a direct correlation to personal and professional satisfaction and happiness.
During this session you will gain insight into aspects of your deep motivations, innate skill sets, and ways of thinking about things that have most likely been outside your awareness. By identifying your core needs, values and talents you can understand which factors cause you stress and which ones allow you to thrive.
We won’t be giving out money or using any external rewards, but we will help you to better understand yourself (and your teams!) and align your actions with your key intrinsic motivators.
In this session you will...
- Identify your own core needs and motivations
- Understand the “Why” behind other’s actions and better motivate and influence your colleagues
- Better take control of aspects of your life to have more impact in areas you care about
- Realize more of your potential and avoid deep sources of stress
- Understand how to leverage your skill sets and design experiences that bring both joy and challenge
Target audience: Managers/ Leaders
Understanding their point of view and helping them see yours, understanding skilled dialogue vs. debate and diffusing emotions so both parties feel listened to and understood.
The willingness to engage in difficult conversations is one of the hallmarks of successful people. This workshop aims to develop this skill through Inquiry and Advocacy. During this interactive training we will uncover specific tools and techniques for approaching conflict and learning the key conversational components that lead to a successful interaction.
By focusing on what it takes to inquire into another’s viewpoint and engage in a genuine exploration of the subject, only then can we reach conclusions and decisions that ultimately satisfy both parties. Together we will look at ways of navigating situations when conflicts arise, particularly in a virtual environment.
In this session you will:
Be introduced to the Inquiry and Advocacy prompts for understanding and resolving difficult conversations
Actively engage in both inquiry and advocacy with your peers
Understand how difficult conversations look different in a virtual environment
Practice a methodology for having focused and productive conversations
Employ active listening skills to deepen your understanding of others
Target audience: Managers/ IC’s
UNDERSTANDING PERSONALITY using MBTI: (Myers Briggs Type Indicator)
The MBTI assessment is designed to identify preferences in how people perceive the world and how they make decisions. The instrument encourages self-awareness and emphasizes the value of naturally occurring differences. Our goal not to confine ourselves in boxes but to learn a framework for understanding patterns of behavior so we may work better together.
(This is also a fantastic self discovery tool for deeper understanding of work and behavior preferences for 1:1 coaching sessions.)
In this session you will:
- Understand your preferred MBTI type code
- Become aware of the strengths and challenges attendant to your style
- Recognize other styles and interact more effectively
- Learn the distinctions between the functions that comprise the MBTI “code”
Target audience: all roles and levels, 1:1, Teams, or Managers
Having increased Emotional Intelligence (often referred to as EQ) allows you to understand and manage your own emotions and understand the emotions of others, in order to both self-motivate and create positive social interactions.
This coursework will teach you how to increase your EQ in order to drive productivity.
Target audience: All
An organization’s ability to create, execute, and sustain a competitive advantage depends greatly on the quality and depth of leadership capabilities at all levels. Often, we find ourselves in a management position as a result of our technical expertise. However, after stepping into the role of manager, the responsibilities change dramatically. Paired with an ever shifting landscape of work, being an effective manager in this day and age requires updated skill sets.
After this session you will be equipped to more effectively support your team and drive business results, whether you’re in front of a room or in front of your computer screen.
In this session you will:
- Explore how your role changes when you become a manager or leader
- Understand the current challenges of managing
- Align on the best practices and expectations for managers
- Explore different communication styles and how to flex them as you influence
- Utilize a framework for providing fact based feedback that leads to action
- Examine how to make your 1:1s more effective and meaningful
- Learn and practice how to have conversations that build connection
How to give and receive action oriented feedback to anyone in your org.
The willingness to deliver feedback and have difficult conversations are hallmarks of great leaders, and this workshop aims to build both of these skills. As leaders, providing fact based feedback is essential to building trust and delivering quality business results. Often, we find the feedback we give either isn’t well received or doesn’t lead to different results.
It’s time to re-think how we approach feedback. In this session we’ll explore both the AID Model (Action > Impact > Desired Action) and the Ladder of Inference as tools to keep feedback fact based, forward looking, and frequent.
To top it off, each person will spend time in real-world scenarios, where each participant will actually practice how to give unbiased feedback whether it’s to a boss, a peer, or direct report. Afterwards, participants will walk away knowing how to not only give but also receive feedback that drives and aligns both people and results.
In this session participants will:
- Be able to give feedback that is clear, actionable, and time sensitive
- Practice using the A.I.D. model for providing feedback
- Learn techniques and be provided tools to assist people in giving feedback that is fact based, kind, and forward looking.
- Be introduced to the “Ladder of Inference” enabling them to be fact based and uncover unconscious bias
Target audience: Managers/ IC’s
Learn how to truly coach your team members and colleagues to solve problems and grow their careers.
Coaching conversations between managers and direct reports, as well as peers, are critical to accelerating both professional development and collective business results. At times, these can be uncomfortable or difficult conversations. For example, an employee wants a promotion, but they aren’t quite ready or there is not a business need. But with the right tools you will know how to expertly navigate these topics.
This class introduces you to the GROW methodology for meaningful dialogue, through which you can motivate and align your team as they adapt to an ever evolving business environment. It will help you discover not only what you as a manager want from your own career but also how to be a role model for your direct report’s career ownership. With thoughtful guidance and support, you will help your team better understand their career aspirations and how to enable their growth within the org.
In this session you will...
- Learn the GROW Model for engaging in coaching conversations
- Practice coaching your peers using real-world situations
- Gain clarity on difference between coaching and feedback and when to utilize each
- Understand communication distinctions and learn tools to facilitate effective discussions
- Identify aspects of conversations that are different when communicating virtually
Target audience: Managers
Based on the 5 social drivers that direct our behaviors, this simple model provides immediately applicable and concrete ways to build safety into your team and work relationships.
The SCARF model, developed in 2008 by David Rock, outlines the five key "domains" that influence our behavior in social situations: status, certainty, autonomy, relatedness, and fairness. The model is based on neuroscience research that implies that these five social domains activate the very same threat and reward responses in our brain that we rely on for physical survival.
This means that in each social interaction we have, our brains are busy classifying everything with a “reward” or “threat” feeling in our body based on those drivers. This quest to feel psychologically safe then registers outwardly in our behavior, which has big implications for the workplace—a highly social situation.
In this workshop we will explore the SCARF model together and identify how the five drivers are currently playing out both for you personally and across your team.
In this session you will…
- Learn and apply the SCARF model
- Understand how your role and work environment either reward or threaten each of your social drivers
- Understand the the brain’s response to perceived or real threats
- Witness the ‘unspoken language’ of status and certainty
- Explore how the 5 social drivers impact safety and what we can specifically do to minimize threats
Target audience: Managers/ Leaders
This class builds on the idea of a growth mindset by showing you how to care personally and challenge directly, allowing your team to deliver exceptional results.
Radical Candor™ is the ability to Challenge Directly and show you Care Personally at the same time. Radical Candor will help you and all the people you work with do the best work of your lives and build the best relationships of your career. It also creates a safe environment where people know their team members are open and honest with them
With this environment of safety in place, people are then able to leverage what psychologist Carol Dweck calls a growth mindset, allowing them to adapt and flex depending on the situation.
This workshop looks at the relationship between radical candor for psychological safety, fixed vs. growth mindsets and how to access each leading to organizational success.
Target audience: All
Being successful in a virtual or hybrid environment requires an immense amount of trust. We have to lean on each other to show up and follow through, even if we’re not in direct contact on a daily basis.
So how do we build that trust? We start by listening to each other’s stories.
This session will focus on creating space to learn about our colleagues’ areas of expertise as well as some of the lessons they’ve learned in their careers and lives.
The skills necessary for creating this environment are often neglected, such as generous listening, open-ended questions, and genuine curiosity.
In this session you will:
- Map your own unique story lines and share pivotal moments from your personal/ professional story with the group.
- Identify and acknowledge the unique perspectives and talents of others.
- Reflect and discover ways to share big learnings and practice vulnerability.
Explore the components of cultures that embrace change and uncertainty. Together we will understand and then shift our beliefs and experiences, thereby co-creating culture.
Target audience: Managers/ Leaders/ IC’s
These workshops are highly interactive 2 hour sessions either in person or via zoom and hosted by your organization. Facilitated by a certified Grief Educator, the sessions feature thoughtful education around the physiological and psychological effects of loss and transition, and how one may be impacted by these experiences at work. The cost includes content, exercises, tools, and workbooks, which can be referenced following the program.
Learn to be a genius maker vs. an accidental diminisher. Based on the book “Multipliers” by Liz Wiseman, we help you apply these concepts to multiply the intelligence of your teams, without adding headcount.
There are two types of leaders: accidental diminishers, who rely on their own intelligence because they think intelligence is a rare trait and they’re one of the few who have it, and Multipliers, who use their intelligence to amplify the ability and impact of everyone else around them.
These leaders are not just intelligent themselves – they are intelligence multipliers.
Based on the Multipliers™ research from Liz Wiseman, this session takes a deep dive into the key differentiators and behaviors of a multiplier leader. Together we will explore exactly why some leaders get vastly more capability from their people, and how to implement these tactics – a highly relevant message in the current economic environment.
As “top down” leadership is in its twilight, organizations are becoming increasingly reliant on the knowledge and abilities of the people within the company to accomplish great things. During this class, we will learn to embody the key Multiplier behaviors that we can apply at 9 o’clock on a Monday morning.
In this session you will:
Understand the Multiplier effect and Accidentally Diminishing Behaviors
Understand your accidental diminisher tendencies (without shame)
Review the specific Behaviors of A Multiplier
Design your own Multiplier Behavior Shift
Identify opportunities to delegate responsibility and (at times) authority
Learn to drive productivity and engagement 2X without additional headcount
Target audience: Managers/ Leaders
Learn the 6 types of working genius and find out which ones are yours! Gain confidence in your natural talents increase productivity, and understand how your team’s geniuses interact with each other.
Understand how to approach an initiative effectively and collaboratively to address all aspects of a project.
During this session we will explore the Working Genius model from leadership expert Pat Lencioni, which outlines the three phases of any project: ideation, activation, and execution. Then we will address the six Working Geniuses required in each phase of a project to deliver successfully.
- - - Wonder, Invention, Discernment, Galvanizing, Enablement, Tenacity - - -
Every job, initiative, project or task requires all six of these geniuses. Often we find some are effortless while others require extra energy and intention. By understanding which ones you naturally excel in, you can take personal accountability for your actions and decisions. Knowing this, you are better equipped to drive productivity, deliver results, and focus on the things that bring you energy and joy.
What if instead of looking for where we fall short, we search for what we do well? Playing to our strengths allows us to deliver on our goals and increases our ability to innovate.
By the end of this workshop you’ll walk away with a productivity tool that will enable you to better navigate roadblocks that impede your success, while opening pathways to continuous innovation.
In this session you will:
Learn to identify and understand your own, as well as other people’s Working Geniuses
Gain insight into why some tasks or phases of a project feel harder than others.
Develop greater ownership and achieve better results by applying the Working Genius model to your current responsibilities (we can use the current issue)
Discuss how this tool illuminates growth opportunities and prevents accountability pitfalls
Adopt “best practices” for honoring yours and other Geniuses\
Target audience: Intact teams, Managers/ Leaders/ IC’s
Exploring the lifecycle of a team and how to reach ‘high performance’, together.
We recognize the benefits of a team approach to getting things done. The power of community needs to be applied not just to projects or work groups, but also to the entire organizational structure. Working in a team environment means working with people with various levels of knowledge and expertise.
Building High Performance Teams is a workshop designed to help you leverage the opportunities of working in a team environment. This hands-on, interactive workshop introduces you to advanced team strategies and tactics, and provides practical tools for building high performance teams. You will develop your own toolkit of tips and techniques to work productively across organizational boundaries.
During this session participants will:
- Learn and apply the Drexler Sibbet Model for team performance
- Explore the common stages and of team development
- Understand what happens when team development stages are ‘unresolved’ and identify what to do about them
- Identify best team practices during each stage of the team lifecycle
- Practice being a high performing team using real world situations
Adapting your management style to each situation
Today's workplace is characterized by constantly changing dynamics, in which responsive leadership is a critical factor for organizational success.
With shifting work environments, team changes, increasing workloads, and varying levels of skills and expertise across roles, we can no longer respond with a one-size-fits all management approach. In order to get the best work from your team, customizing your communication and working style goes a long way.
Through the lens of Contextual Leadership – a refined and highly efficient development framework for building a core set of performance management skills – participants will learn to be more effective leaders by adapting their leadership/ management styles to fit a broad range of individual and team situations.
In this session you will:
- Diagnose the situation based on competencies necessary to complete the task
- Adapt their influence style to meet the needs of the situation
- Communicate effectively to drive results
- Assess their own areas for development
- Identify tasks and diagnose the readiness of their team to deliver results
- Understand what individual team members need for their growth and development
- Gain clarity on your own gaps in knowledge and be able to ask for tools necessary to drive productivity
- Identify deficiencies in knowledge, experience and skill and adapt accordingly
Learn to navigate difficult conversations and negotiations with the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Modes Instrument (TKI) for conflict resolution, plus the basics of inquiry and advocacy.
The willingness to engage in difficult conversations is one of the hallmarks of successful teams. This workshop aims to develop this skill by using the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI). During this interactive training we will uncover how we tend to approach conflict and learn which key components (such as trust) lead to a successful resolution.
By focusing on what it takes to inquire into another’s viewpoint and engage in a genuine exploration of the subject, only then can we reach conclusions and decisions that ultimately satisfy both parties. Together we will look at the various ways of navigating situations when conflicts arise, particularly in hybrid environments.
Communication Beyond Conflict will teach and apply the skills needed for this crucial component of cross team collaboration and for having conversations that solve problems, build teams, and generate new options.
In this session you will:
- Be introduced to the TKI Conflict Mode Instrument for understanding and resolving conflict
- Learn to engage in both inquiry and advocacy for effective decision making
- Understand how difficult conversations look different in a hybrid environment
- Engage in team activities that require a collaborative approach
- Identify when to use each conflict mode
- Employ active listening skills to deepen your understanding of others
Target audience: Managers/ Leaders
Based on Pat Lencioni’s book, we will take your team through the 5 dysfunctions so that your team can build trust, accountability, and deliver on their promises.
These interactive workshops will focus on the five team dysfunctions identified in Lencioni’s seminal work. During this five-part series we will take the team through:
- Building trust: The first session in the series will focus on understanding themselves and others, using the MBTI. * In this session we will discuss each individual’s strengths, challenges and misperceptions about each member’s preferred working style. Additionally, we will identify the team’s potential pitfalls and assets.
- Conflict Resolution: Using the TKI conflict instrument, participants will discover five conflict modes and be able to adapt their arguments to meet the needs of the situation, influence others and build bridges between disparate points of view.
- Commitment: using the tools of inquiry and advocacy, the team will learn to speak as one voice, using a collaborative methodology to enable the team to “disagree and commit.”
- Accountability: In this session will focus on strategies that allow participants to own the problem and find solutions to get the team to the desired goal.
- Results: What gets measured gets done, The team will look at collective and individual accountability, and give feedback in a way that enables action.
Each session will culminate in real world, relevant scenarios, where each participant will be able to have candid discussions and have the opportunity to practice using these important skills.
In these sessions participants will:
- Become aware of their working style and the strengths and challenges attendant their preferences.
- Learn the five modes of conflict resolution and adapt their mode to the meet the needs of the situation as applicable to the team
- Practice tools and techniques to assist them in working with each other to gain commitment in service of the team’s goals.
- Design strategies to keep the team accountable and employ the collective wisdom of the team to solve problems, rather than being the “lone genius.”
- Conduct honest and open assessments of results and learn how to give feedback and incorporate lessons learned.
- Gain skills to manage difficult conversations.
Target audience: Intact teams
Change happens quickly in organizations, but the process of transition that people go through in dealing with change, is slow.
In this session we will introduce you to a framework that focuses on how to attend to people’s emotions in the midst of change in a way that increases the probability of acceptance and success.
Target Audience: Leaders, Managers, Team Leads
Understanding, and leveraging multiple intelligence types can assist you in solving problems and delivering well vetted decisions.
Using the eight cognitive functions identified by psychologist Carl Jung, we have created a decision making model that is thorough, inclusive, and easily applicable.
In this session you will:
- Understand 8 ways of viewing an issue
- Become aware of the possible blind spots in decision making
- Be able to access different ways of thinking about a problem
- Leverage alternative ways of thinking
- Practice trying on different thinking caps
Target audience: Intact Teams, Managers/ Leaders
Introducing and applying decision making frameworks that drive efficiency and results, remove confusion and allow people to take ownership.
The RACI, DACI, and RAPID decision-making frameworks are designed to improve a team’s effectiveness and velocity on projects. By assigning team members specific roles and responsibilities when it comes to group decisions, confusion is reduced and productivity skyrockets.
During this session we will understand the model used by your organization, and apply it in real time to a current team or business initiative.
Target audience: Managers/ Leaders
Design Thinking is a highly creative process in which we seek to understand the user, challenge assumptions and redefine problems in an attempt to identify alternative strategies and solutions that might not be instantly apparent with our initial level of understanding.
Design Thinking is a solutions based approach that revolves around a deep interest in understanding the people for whom we’re designing the products and services.
During this class we will focus on real-world challenges your team or Org are currently facing. Using empathy, questioning assumptions, brainstorming, prototyping and experimentation, we will design opportunities to test our hypothesis and/or solutions in the workplace.
In this session you will:
- Be introduced to Design Thinking methodology
- Identify and tackle a problem that is ill-defined, complex or unknown (aka wicked problems)
- Engage in this problem solving methodology
- Uncover ways to increase leverage, improve quality or “think outside the box.”
become more effective influencers and change agents within the organization.
In a world saturated with technology meant to improve the speed and efficiency of communication, it is still critical to be able to influence and get buy-in from others to achieve desired outcomes. Whether you are persuading a colleague to support your project, convincing a client to buy your product, or rallying your team around a new initiative, the ability to have the other person embrace your viewpoint is essential.
This interactive 90 min - 2 hour workshop will focus on the “Influence Factor Model" to address personal, social and structural aspects that need to be present in order for organizational change to be successful. This model will teach you the skills and tools necessary to assess your situation and influence accordingly.
We will also learn the responses to "social norms" that allow us to "get to yes" more easily. Some of these include, reciprocity, consistency, social proof, liking, authority and scarcity. Together with your colleagues you’ll get a chance to practice these skills in real time.
Come prepared with a real-world situation in which you need to influence someone; a boss, a colleague, a significant other or a customer.
In this session you will:
- Develop effective communication strategies for influencing and generating buy-in
- Discover how to frame your case in a way that will increase the probability of your viewpoint being embraced
- Learn what structures need to be in place for organizational change to occur
- Learn the power of listening
- Utilize a range of influence tactics to overcome resistance and objections to change
- Practice having "influence conversations" using your new skills
Performance planning, writing ORK’s documenting performance, and delivering a meaningful evaluation are key to inspiring employees and creating an organization dedicated to continuous learning.
When we know what we are working towards, our priorities become clear. When direct reports know what they are working towards, the expectations placed on them become clear. But where does that clarity come from?
During this session we will cover “The Line of Sight” and discuss how our work aligns with the business strategy. We will also understand how consistent, fair, and effective performance management practices benefit employees, managers, and the entire organization.
This workshop also explores OKR’s (Objectives & Key Results) for focused performance planning and competency-based assessment, allowing each of us to achieve that line of sight and drive superior performance. Additionally we will discuss and decide how to use those OKRs to manage and prioritize workloads according to organizational goals and what matters most.
In this session you will:
Know the main components of your org's performance management system
Breakdown what OKRs are and how to write them
Explore the Line of Sight and what it looks like in your organization
Understand how OKRs align with the organization’s business goals and metrics
Work on your/ your team’s OKRs in real time with assistance from an expert
Target audience: Leaders, Managers, and employees
Discover Best Practices for Today’s virtual and/or hybrid environment.
These interactive workshops focus on enabling managers to sustain highly productive, engaged, and motivated remote teams.
Some key topics we cover may include:
- How to keep reports engaged and motivated.
- How to hold team members accountable for results when you don’t have a direct line of sight into their day-to-day work.
- How to manage your workload and prevent burn-out
- How to promote work/life balance while maintaining productivity
- How to facilitate coaching/mentorship opportunities and social interaction, all of which drive new ideas and problem-solving.
- How to encourage “human moments” with colleagues in a virtual setting and continue to foster a sense of belonging.
Target audience: Managers/ Leaders
Learn how and why to create a culture of accountability within your org. Learn tools for building and sustaining that accountability long term.
Target audience: All
We have to stop meeting like this!
Nobody wants to be in bad meetings, and yet people are inevitably making choices that lead to that outcome. There is a better way.
Target audience: ALL
Learn to create and deliver exceptional presentations in person or virtually.
Do you wish you could easily and confidently communicate while getting your peers, customers and execs excited about your ideas? You totally can!
The people who consistently nail speeches, influence others, and advance quickly have strong presentation skills. Yet for most people, certain distinctions in individual communication styles can serve as obstacles to their ability to influence others. This course will help us identify these habitual communication missteps and develop strategies to avoid getting stuck in self-defeating communication styles.
Whether selling to a new client, presenting technical research, or facilitating a staff meeting, an authentic connection with the audience can make the difference. Class attendees will learn how to create an engaging dialog within the room, how to overcome anxiety while presenting, and how to motivate audiences to take action.
These sessions are highly interactive with lots of on the spot coaching. You will be presenting in front of your coworkers. Be prepared to get the most out of it!
A 3-5 minute story to influence the audience. (3 image only slides optional)
It could be about convincing the audience why running a marathon will change their life, why they should visit a certain destination this year, why growing up in Boston is the best, why everyone should try a musical instrument, what way the toilet paper roll is supposed to go, etc. Be knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and convincing! You may use up to 3 images to illustrate your argument, but no typed words in a PowerPoint, no third party “presentation tools” like Miro, Prezi, or video editing software.
A ~10 min presentation you want to workshop. (with slides)
for example a training deck, all hands presentation, speaking/ conference engagement meeting presentation deck, a pitch deck, a customer story/pocket story, competitive story, and so on. If you don’t have an upcoming presentation you may use one you have previously done.
In this session you will:
Practice delivering presentations and receive on the spot feedback and coaching
Be able to recognize and overcome anxiety when presenting
Identify and practice adapting their natural presentation style
Become aware of distinctions that impact the communication process
Structure messages to enhance audience understanding and retention
Develop persuasive messages to generate confidence in the recommendations being presented
Understand the importance of body language both on zoom and in person
Learn how to engage the audience in the first 30 seconds of a presentation
Practice handling Q&A
Target: All
Gain confidence in your interviewing skills and understand how to assess competencies through a smooth interview experience.
The good news, you're hiring! The challenge: you have a very short amount of time in an interview to gather a very large amount of information about a potential new hire's skills and abilities.
The main goal of these conversational interviews is not to simply confirm someone's resume, but to ascertain if the person will actually be successful in the specific role and in your org. But how exactly should you structure the interview and which questions should you ask?
This workshop will breakdown the interview process and allow you to practice your interviewing technique to uncover the specific competencies a potential candidate actually possesses.
Whether you’ve interviewed many candidates or are new to the task, this workshop will help you develop a reliable interview process to continually make quality hiring decisions.
In this session you will:
Design interview questions that are competency based
Understand your org’s expectations around interviewing
"Try on" various competency - based interview questions
Develop conversation techniques to encourage open and candid dialogue
Improve strategies to uncover an applicant’s qualifications beyond the resume
Practice Practice Practice - and find your own unique interviewing voice in the process
Target audience: Managers/ Leaders/ IC’s
Curious how it all works?
What are workshops like?
Our classes include expert instruction paired with copious activities and discussion. You won't find any webinars here! All sessions include breakout rooms, worksheets, and various tools like Miro boards to make things interactive and engaging.
Do I get access to course materials?
Participating in any of our workshops gives you the option to access to our members only library where you have access to the specific course materials (slides decks, worksheets, and links) for a full year.
How much do workshops cost?
Since we are a boutique vendor, our pricing structure flexes to fit your needs. We customize our pricing based on the scope of the project and your budgetary requirements.
Who can attend workshops?
Our workshops are custom designed based on the intended audience, be it senior leadership, an intact team, cross functional groups, or org wide roll outs. You tell us what you need, and we deliver.
Have something specific in mind? Let us know!
Our content library is vast and constantly expanding. Let us create and deliver the content you actually need.
Reach out below with your questions and see what's possible.